
Work-Life Balance Tips While Working From Home

This post was originally published on Look Through My Lens With more people transitioning to working from home, the ability to balance your at work and off work life has been a challenge for many. I have personally spent most of the post-grad life working from home and have developed ways to better balance being …

5 Ways to Keep Creativity Alive

This post is originally from Look Through My Lens. Sometimes creativity is an enigma. One second it is there and the next it is gone. When you invest your time into a creative activity, it is imperative to keep creativity and imagination alive. But how exactly can that be done?

4 Ways To Get Inspired

This post is originally from Look Through My Lens. As late, I have had a great lack of motivation and inspiration for this blog. I had no ideas and no inspiration, and that made me lose motivation. So I asked for a helping hand from some fellow bloggers and their advice actually inspired this post.

Why I Photograph

This post is originally from Look Through My Lens. This whole blog started out as an idea to talk and share more of my photography, because I had changed it from a career path to solely a hobby. And I still greatly love and appreciate the beauty and art of photography, even though I don’t …